Friday, March 6 was not just another day at Padre Zamora Elementary School. The day marked a significant milestone in the history of the school, the Zamorian community, and the lives of those who were and are privileged to be a part of this remarkable community.

The celebration kicked-off with a thanksgiving mass at the school’s covered court and was immediately followed with an opening program with playground demonstration and band exhibition at the PZES Covered Court.

With over 2, 000 students, faculty and honorees present, the original circle drive filled with students and community members eager to begin the morning’s festivities. Opening remarks were made by Ms. Eden E. Dioquino, the school principal. We were also honored to have some alumnus and the members of GPTA.

The major highlight of this year’s anniversary celebration was the competition in Traditional Folk dance and Calisthenics. It was participated in from SPED, Kinder to Grade Six. Winners were of two categories, one from the Primary Level composing of Kindergarten to Grade Three and one from the Intermediate Level from Grade Four to Grade Six.

The winners for this year’s founding anniversary were Grade three in the Primary Level and Grade Five in the Intermediate Level.